Jonathan Clark


A-Z of Artists 1890 - Present Day
A Century of Modern Sculpture 1890–1990
Figurative Art in the Early Century: Tradition & Modernity
Camden Town Group – Post-Impressionism in London
The Scottish Colourists – Fauvism in Glasgow & Edinburgh
The Bloomsbury Group – Vision & Design
Vorticism & Surrealism – Art Versus Machine
Axis / Circle / Unit One / 7 & 5 Society – Internationalism in the 20s & 30s
Euston Road School – The Underlying Structures of Reality
Neo-Romanticism & the 'Spirit of Place'
St Ives – Abstraction & the Landscape
Post-War Figurative Art – Pubs, Bomb-Sites and Billboards
Post-War Expressionist Abstraction – Out Into the Void
Pop Art – The Independent Group & Swinging London
Constructivism / Systems Art / Hard-Edge Painting



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